Kids Teaching Kids – the rationale

The Mungo Youth Project provides students with a set of experiences that help embed them within the oldest living culture on the planet. With over 65,000 years of managing country, students come to this special place knowing that they are walking in the footsteps of people who emphasises the essential combination of country and culture.

The Mungo Youth Project creates a cultural change in the way we learn. Working with the knowledge of Elders and Traditional owners, and other professions that includes cultural leaders and scientists, students and fellow participants develop knowledge of the importance of the land, building respect for the wisdoms which cared for country in ways the ‘white fella’ failed to see. Participants share different skills to communicate ideas in many forms.

The project, utilises a range of experiences including Kids Teaching Kids.
The Kids Teaching Kids model, is a powerful teaching and learning tool drawing on school based learnings of given topic, that are then presented to audiences at the conference. A ‘model’ of kids teaching kids is provided. Schools are encouraged to participate in this powerful part of the program. Selected schools have their program beamed live and interactive around the world.

The aim is to facilitate the development of learning by students, with their learning presented to others in an interactive manner. The students become the teachers and teach other kids and participants. Schools that choose to engage with these actions empower all students.

Kids Teaching Kids – the model.

Recommended steps

  1. Create your team – Students, Teachers, Aboriginal Educators
  2. Create insights for your team as to the nature of the project – use our recommended websites – perhaps start with “I dream of a better world” by visiting: – I dream of a better world
  3. As an educator build your own “Background Knowledge” by considering the resources provided to your school, including:
  • The RESOURCES section of the MYP web page.
  • The extensive material in the Resource Pack provided to your school
  • The resources provided on the “Mungo – USB”
  • The Blooms Gardiner document – it can be used to provide guidance as you plan…
  • MungoExplorer
  • Histories Mysteries
  • The Mega Fauna Template – an exemplar based on a scaffold by Prof John Munro
  • A Rubric

NOTE: If you do not have these resources please contact Ricky Mitchell (Ring: 03 50218906 or email )

4.         Gain support and approval for your chosen topic from your local elders or LAECG

5.         Consider these essential characteristics of the Kids Teaching Kids Model:

  • It starts with well organised school based learning with teachers and mentors, and regular meetings.  Visible achievement is acknowledged and planning updated to meet circumstances.
  • The elements of a successful presentation are:
  1. There is clarity of purpose
  2. There are three or more mini lessons within a presentation
  3. Each mini lesson provides learning or an action
  4. The audience is actively engaged in using what they have learnt
  5. There are multiple presenters who work as a team
  • Ensure students have a chance for School Based Practice
  • The Conference – presentations and learning – ensure all resources are developed and technology requirements clarified

Facilitate ongoing actions:

Workshop with your team how they might approach this topic.

Use the “Presentation Plan” as a guide to assist in your workshop and thinking

Create your teams Action Plan & Timeline

Use resources as provided or develop your own creative materials.

ENJOY! The rewards are worth it!